Terutomi Hitaka
1989 有限会社日高農園 設立
1996 ジャパンフラワー農林水産大臣賞受賞
2004 アジア太平洋蘭会議シルバーメダル、ブロンズメダル受賞
2005 オリエンタルマンダリン東京OPEN。客室にオリジナル胡蝶蘭を納品
2010 マレーシアのキャメロンハイランドに地生の蘭、食虫植物、昆虫を求めて三年通う
2015 トマト栽培開始
2016 イチゴ栽培開始
After graduating from the Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiba University, he took over the family business of farming in Itoshima Peninsula for generations.
His father is a chrysanthemum farmer who established the cultivation method of electric chrysanthemums in Itoshima.
He has received numerous awards for his Phalaenopsis orchids, including the Japan Flower Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Award.
His orchid cultivation skills are such that he has decorated the sickrooms of Enka singers representing the Showa period and presented orchids to the Imperial Household.
He is truly one of the best orchid growers in Japan.
1989 Established Hitaka Orchid Farm Ltd.
1996 Awarded the Japan Flower Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Prize
2004 Awarded Silver Medal and Bronze Medal at Asia Pacific Orchid Conference
2005 Oriental Mandarin Tokyo OPEN, delivered original orchids to guest rooms
2010 Three years of going to Cameron Highlands, Malaysia in search of native orchids, insectivorous plants, and insects
2015 Started tomato cultivation
2016 Started strawberry cultivation

I want to make delicious food.
Hitaka Farm is conducting a two-year demonstration. Tomatoes and strawberries. I have been growing orchids for 30 years, so now I am growing delicious vegetables that I want to eat. Tomatoes are tougher than other vegetables, and the changes are palpable because of the speed of growth, which is reflected in the taste sensitively by light, fertilizer, and moisture. So I think tomatoes are particularly susceptible to Bio-CLF. The charm of Bio-CLF is that it is easy to adjust the balance of fertilizers because it can be based on data up to the previous year. I look forward to seeing how good the tomatoes and strawberries will be next year, and I look forward to trying watermelons anew.
また三好不動産が掲げる「家族のように想い、家族のように寄り添う《all for family》のビジョンを実現のお手伝いとして、いちご狩りに農場を開放したりと、社会とつながる農業をいろんな視野で実現しています。
Agriculture where people gather
Mr. Hitaka has been leading the town with his advanced technology, breeding orchids and tomatoes, but the Itoshima region has also been facing issues such as a slow pace of bearers and an increase in abandoned farmland. Through an encounter with the "Fresa Fukuoka" handball team, the community worked on "agriculture x sports" in which the community accepted athletes as future bearers of agriculture.
In addition, Miyoshi Fudosan has been working to realize its vision of "thinking like a family and staying close like a family (all for family)" from various perspectives, such as opening its farm to the public for strawberry picking.
We hope to report again on the demonstration experiment of Bio-CLF with Mr. Terutomi Hitaka, aiming for agriculture that brings people together.
JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22H02446